Saturday, December 23, 2023

खेल सेवा ही सबसे बड़ी देश सेवा - सुमित सर्राफ


अलीगढ़ मण्डल का पहला निजी इडोर स्टेडियम दो माह में बन कर होगा तैयार ।

माननीय प्रधानमंत्री नरेंद्र मोदी की खेलो इंडिया एवं फिट इंडिया जैसी योजनाओं से प्रभावित होकर  बिना किसी सरकारी सहायता के अलीगढ़ मण्डल का पहला निजी इनडोर स्पोर्ट्स स्टेडियम शेखर सर्राफ फाउंडेशन द्वारा अलीगढ़ के मथुरा रोड पर अगले दो माह में बनकर तैयार हो जाएगा । आगरा रोड स्थित अपने कार्यालय पर शेखर सर्राफ फाउंडेशन के संस्थापक एवं मंडलीय ओलंपिक एसोसिएशन के अध्यक्ष सुमित सर्राफ ने अपने पिता स्वर्गीय शेखर सर्राफ की प्रेरणा से घोषणा करते हुए कहा कि पिताजी का सपना था कि गरीब एवं साधन विहीन की अधिक से अधिक सेवा अपनी निजी संसाधनों से लोगों को उपलब्ध कराना , उनके इस सपने को साकार करने के उद्देश्य से समाज के उन क्षेत्रों में अधिक से अधिक संसाधन एवं सुविधाएं उपलब्ध कराना मेरे जीवन का प्रमुख उद्देश्य है जिससे मानव समाज की सच्ची सेवा हो सके । आज खेलों के क्षेत्र में खेल प्रतिभाओं को आगे लाने के उद्देश्य से सरकार की योजनाओं को और मजबूती प्रदान करने हेतु निजी रूप से ऐसे खेल जो ओलंपिक एवं एशियाड में खेले जाते हो तथा आम भारतीयों में सर्वाधिक लोकप्रिय एवं हमारी भारतीय सभ्यता से जुड़े हों उन खेलों को अंतर्राष्ट्रीय मानक के अनुरूप सुविधाएं उपलब्ध कराने हेतु मथुरा रोड स्थित अपने निजी जमीन पर कबड्डी ,कुश्ती, योग, बॉक्सिंग ,मार्शल आर्ट, वेटलिफ्टिंग,  जैसी शक्ति प्रदर्शित करने वाले खेलों के लिए अंतर्राष्ट्रीय मानक का आधुनिक इनडोर स्टेडियम अगले दो माह में बनकर तैयार हो जाएगा तथा सीजन 3 का प्रो कबड्डी लीग नए इनडोर स्टेडियम में आयोजित होगा । सुमित ने आगे कहा कि अगर अलीगढ़ के खेल से जुड़े खेल प्रेमियों एवं खिलाड़ियों का आशीर्वाद रहा तो यहां पर प्रशिक्षण हेतु देश एवं विदेश के विख्यात प्रशिक्षकों को बुलाकर खेल अभ्यास की आधुनिक सुविधा भी उपलब्ध कराई जाएगी, जिससे अलीगढ़ मंडल एवं प्रदेश के युवा खिलाड़ी लाभान्वित हो सके । उन्होंने आगे कहा कि  प्रदेश के मुख्यमंत्री महाराज योगी आदित्यनाथ ने खिलाड़ियों को सरकारी नौकरी में वरीयता के आधार पर पुलिस एवं सरकार के दूसरे विभागों में सीधे नियुक्ति दे रही है । खेल की इस सुविधा से विशेष रूप से ग्रामीण आँचल एवं साधन विहीन खिलाड़ियों को विशेष लाभ मिलेगा । मेरा मानना है कि खेल सेवा ही नहीं, अपितु देश सेवा भी है। क्योंकि देश का सर खिलाड़ी अपने पदक के माध्यम से ऊंचा उठता है , तथा राष्ट्रीय ध्वज के सम्मान में राष्ट्रीय गान के लिए पूरी  दुनिया को स्वागत एवं सम्मान हेतु खड़ा करने हेतु मजबूर कर देता है । खेल ही ऐसा माध्यम है जो हर वर्ष एवं हर चार वर्ष पर यह मौका उपलब्ध कराता है । प्रेसवार्ता में मंडलीय ओलंपिक एसोसिएशन के उपाध्यक्ष एवं माहेश्वरी क्रिएटिव क्लब के संरक्षक संजय माहेश्वरी , मज़हर उल कमर उपस्थित थे ।

मजहर उल कमर


ग्लोबल इनिशिएटिव ऑफ एकेडमिक नेटवर्क्स

Professor Sarah Frances Deborah Ansari with Prof Gulfishan Khan and faculty members during the concluding function of GIAN Course

 महिलाओं की नई संवेदनाएँ, परंपरा एवं आधुनिकता एवं इतिहास लेखन पर एक सप्ताह के ज्ञान का समापन

अलीगढ़, 20 दिसंबरः ग्लोबल इनिशिएटिव ऑफ एकेडमिक नेटवर्क्स (जीआईएएन)अलीगढ़ मुस्लिम यूनिवर्सिटी (एएमयू) द्वारा महिलाओं की नई संवेदनशीलताः उन्नीसवीं और बीसवीं सदी की उत्तर पश्चिमी परंपराआधुनिकता पर एक सप्ताह का ऑनलाइन पाठ्यक्रम आयोजित सफलतापूर्वक संपन्न हो गया।

आधुनिक और समकालीन दक्षिण एशिया की इतिहासकार और पाठ्यक्रम के विदेशी संकाय सदस्य प्रोफेसर सारा फ्रांसिस डेबोरा अंसारी (रॉयल होलोवेलंदन विश्वविद्यालययूके) ने सात व्याख्यान दिएजबकि अध्यक्ष और समन्वयकसेंटर ऑफ एडवांस्ड स्टडीइतिहास विभागएएमयू प्रोफेसर गुलफशां खान ने पांच सत्रों में व्याख्यान किये।

यह पाठ्यक्रम उन्नीसवीं और बीसवीं शताब्दी के दौरान दक्षिण भारत के पूर्व और विभाजन के बाद के इतिहास की समझ विकसित करने के लिए चयनित स्रोतों के विश्लेषण और मौजूदा इतिहासलेखन की आलोचनात्मक समीक्षा के माध्यम से प्रतिभागियों को महिलाओं और लिंग इतिहास से परिचित कराने के लिए डिजाइन किया गया था।

प्रोफेसर सारा अंसारी ने अपने पहले व्याख्यान में विशेष रूप से औपनिवेशिक दक्षिण एशिया के संदर्भ मेंलिंग के साथ दोनों के संबंध को स्पष्ट किया। प्रोफेसर अंसारी ने कहा कि ब्रिटिश और भारतीय दोनों समकालीनों ने महसूस किया कि महिलाओं को इस अर्थ में बचाये जाने की ज़रूतर हो न केवल उनकी अपनी भलाई के लिएबल्कि समाज की भलाई के लिए।

प्रोफेसर अंसारी ने दूसरे व्याख्यान में विशेष रूप से महिला शिक्षा के सवाल पर ध्यान केंद्रित कियाजबकि तीसरे व्याख्यान में उन्होंने राष्ट्रवाद और महिलाओं के बीच संबंधों पर चर्चा की।

चैथा व्याख्यान दक्षिण एशिया के विकास पर केंद्रित था जिसने भारत और भारतीय महिलाओं को दुनिया के अन्य हिस्सों से जोड़ा। प्रो. अंसारी ने अंतर्राष्ट्रीय संगठनों और सम्मेलनों में भारतीय महिलाओं की भागीदारी और महिलाओं के मताधिकार संबंधी बहसों में उनकी भागीदारी के बारे में बात की।

पांचवें व्याख्यान में उन्होंने प्रथम विश्व युद्ध के बाद भारत में स्थापित महिला संगठनों की विशेष चर्चा कीजो वास्तव में पिछली शताब्दी में सुधारवादी व्यक्तियों और संस्थाओं के शुरुआती प्रयासों का परिणाम थे।

छठे व्याख्यान में भारत के राष्ट्रीय आंदोलनों में महिलाओं की भागीदारी की जटिल कहानी पर प्रकाश डाला गया।

प्रोफेसर अंसारी का सातवां व्याख्यान नागरिकता से संबंधित मुद्दों और उससे उत्पन्न अधिकारों और जिम्मेदारियों पर केंद्रित था।

पांच सत्रों में से पहले सत्र में प्रोफेसर गुलफशां खान ने कहा कि उत्तर भारतीय कुलीन मुस्लिमउर्दू भाषी बुद्धिजीवियोंसैयद अहमद खानउनके समकालीन नजीर अहमद (1833-1912) और ख्वाजा अल्ताफ हुसैन हाली, (1837-1914), 1857 के आसपास या उसके बाद पैदा होने वाले सुविधाओं पर प्रकाश डाला

‘ViksitBharat@2047 : JMI

        Sports Day celebrations in Jamia Senior Secondary school

 Sports day was celebrated with great fervor and enthusiasm in Jamia Senior Secondary School, Jamia Millia Islamia (JMI) as part of ‘ViksitBharat@2047:Voice of Youth’ campaign on 21st December 2023. The event started with the recitation of holy Qur'an and then the guests were welcomed by Dr Arshad khan (principal JSSS). The chief guest of the event was  Prof. Eqbal Hussain (Vice Chancellor, JMI) and guests of honour were Prof Sara Begum (Dean, Faculty of Education, JMI), Prof. Waseem Ahmad Khan (Director of sports and Games, JMI) Prof. Rihan khan Suri (Director of Innovation and entrepreneurship, JMI) Mr Ozair Rizwi ( crime Branch) and Mr Nadeem Akhtar (director, NGO Shikhar) . All the guests were welcomed with saplings and mementos.


The sports day celebrations started with a majestic March Past that consisted of students from all the school houses. With thumping drums, the March Past began in a synchronised way and truly showed the discipline that students of Jamia embody. In the chain of events next came 50, 100, 200 and 400 metres races of girls in junior and senior category. The boys participated in 100, 200, 400 and 800 metres races in the junior and senior category. The spectators supported the participants and kept the energy of the school ground on peak. The winners were given medals and certificates by the esteemed guests. Other exciting competitions that happened were long jump, short put and Relay race for boys and girls. Cricket ball throw competition was only for girls and discuss throw was for the boys.


The esteemed Vice Chancellor Prof. Eqbal Hussain addressed the students of the school and spoke about taking loosing and winning with a pinch of salt. He also discussed hardwork and discipline and the pivotal role they play in success or failure. The students listened to the words of wisdom and took note of them very keenly.


Another highlight of the event was teacher's Musical chair which was won by Ms Fauzia Afreen. Anchoring was done in the style of a live cricket commentary and was beautifully done by Mr Allauddin Khalid, Hayat Alam, Imteyaz Ahmad, Kanchan Bhardwaj and Shaheen Rashid. Prize distribution committee consisted of Ms Fauzia Afreen, Ms Shahnaz khan,Ms shama Ara and Ms Saba Rizvi. Sports teachers Mr Adeel Ahmad, Ms Amtul Saba and Mr Rehan Khan were present throughout the event and their hardwork, passion and coordination made the event a success. Media Coordinator of the school Mr Nadeem Ahmad and Ms Faiza Siddiqui covered the event in a competent manner.


The event was successfully concluded with a vote of thanks. High tea was served to the esteemed guests and staff afterwards.


Sunday, December 17, 2023


 GRND BAZAR mein Khurrm Illyas aur un ki team ne 17 Octuber 23 ko ek “GRAND LUNCH” ka ehtimam kiya saath hi Qawwaliyon (Soofi Kalam) ka lutf liya.

Khurram Ilyas, Salman Ilyas, Khusro Bhai, Abdul Ahad Sherwani, ne Mahmanan ka purtpak istaqbal kiya. Nizamat ke faraiz Mazin Husain Zaidi ne anjam diye.

Khurram Iliyas ne Grand Bazar ki khusoosiat bayan ki. Unhon ne kaha ki jahan Aligarh Muslim University--Habitate Centre--LalDiggi Tal-CMO office, Judge Compound, Shasan w Prashasan ke Residence--GST Office--Abdullah Girls College, Women’s College to Marris w Ramghat Road  ki aamado raft hai,

Doosri taraf Railway Station to Sewa Bhawan, Deewani Court, Jail road par- Railway Bridge se GT Road Connection, Collectrate se nazdeek awami walking Distece jaisi khoobian se aap soch sakte hain ki aage aane wale waqt mein tafreeh w shopping, Business ke aitbar se sabhi Facilities ke bare mein bataya. Yeh bhi kaha ki Insha Allah Latest Interior Technology, Solar Plant, 24 hour lightning, Broad both side Open Space, Parking se yeh Aligarh Smart City ka Location aur Nagar Nigam w Chief Minister’s  investment meet se approved, ke aitbaar se sab se best smart SHOPPING MALL sabit hoga.

Advoacate Maqsood Hasan Kaatib aur Dr. Masood Ahmad ne Naatia kalam se Qawwalian shuru karain.

Is khoobsoorat Mehfil mein Indian Jwellers’s Zuhaib Saleem Khan, Kamran Garment, faisal bhai, Mashkoor Khan,  Ajju ishhaq Salman Shahid aur unki Team,  

AMU Old Boy’s (Alumni) Association ke Secretary Shabboo, Taufeeq, Dr. Masood Ahmad, Abu Hurera, Wakeel, Aman, Axis bank ke Dr. Ubaid, Dr Aftab, Dr Badar, Engr. Ubaid, Engr. Wasi, khurram  Roshan Construction ke jolly sb w unki team, Dr sleem anis, Dr. Iram murad, Dr sheerreen sherwani, Saleem tareen, Shafeeq Bhai, Liyaqat Ali

waghaira ne personal dilchaspi lekar jhoom jhoom lar Qawwalion ke programe ko yadgar bana diya.

Khurram Iliyas ne sab aye hue mehmanan aur Allah ka shukria adan kiya. 

Aap sab Dua keejiye ki Allah tabarak Ta aala "GRAND BAZAAR" project ko kamyab banaye , Aameen!  

Thursday, December 14, 2023



JMI hosts Skill-Course-


                    JMI hosts Skill-Course-Driven Workshop on Entrepreneurship Excellence


Jamia Millia Islamia (JMI), an esteemed institution dedicated to fostering innovation and entrepreneurship through its Centre for Innovation and Entrepreneurship (CIE), orchestrated a transformative event on December 12, 2023. Themed "Empowering Tomorrow's Entrepreneurs: Skill-Course-Driven Workshop on Entrepreneurship Excellence," the session was intricately designed to instill and nurture the entrepreneurial spirit within the academic community.


The inaugural activities commenced with a guided tour of the Livelihood Business Incubator (LBI) and a plantation activity done by Hon'ble Vice Chancellor, Prof. Eqbal Hussain,  Mr. Jawed Habib and faculty members. The event's strategic emphasis on skill courses underscores JMI’s unwavering commitment to equipping students with practical tools essential for entrepreneurial success.


Setting the tone for the proceedings, Prof. Rihan Khan Suri, Director of the Centre for Innovation and Entrepreneurship (CIE), delivered insightful opening remarks, accentuating the indispensable role of innovation in shaping the landscape for future entrepreneurs. The CIE, at the forefront of the university's entrepreneurial initiatives, provides a dynamic platform for students to explore, innovate, and cultivate the skills needed for success in the entrepreneurial sphere.


The keynote address, featuring Mr. Jawed Habib, a distinguished hairstylist and entrepreneur, provided profound insights into the entrepreneurial journey. Mr. Habib's impactful quote, "Passion is the fuel that propels one to be a successful entrepreneur," resonated as a guiding principle for aspiring business leaders.


Presiding over the event, Prof. Eqbal Hussain, Offg. Vice-Chancellor of JMI, underscored the institution's dedication to fostering entrepreneurship. The day's agenda included networking opportunities, expressions of gratitude, and a dignified closing ceremony.


Adding an eco-conscious touch to the proceedings, the distribution of saplings symbolized the institution's commitment to sustainable growth. Thoughtfully crafted mementoes were presented to distinguished guests, serving as lasting tokens of appreciation.


The workshop's triumph lies in its holistic approach, seamlessly integrating theoretical knowledge with practical skills, thereby empowering tomorrow's entrepreneurs. The event not only served as a testament to Jamia Millia Islamia's commitment to entrepreneurial excellence but also provided a source of inspiration to participants through the visionary perspectives and experiences shared by renowned entrepreneurs. 


Prof. Atiqur Rehman, Chief Proctor, Prof. Mumtaz Ahmad, Principal Polytechnic, Prof. Naseeb Ahmad, Dr. Yasmeen , Prof. Asad Malik, Prof. Simi Malhotra and many other faculty members along with students in large number participated in the event. 



Tuesday, December 5, 2023




News / India News / Telangana election results: Owaisi-led AIMIM retains seven seats in Hyderabad

Telangana election results: Owaisi-led AIMIM retains seven seats in Hyderabad

ByHT News Desk


Asaduddin Owaisi-led All India Majlis-e-Ittehadul Muslimeen retained seven seats held by it in its bastion of Old City of Hyderabad. The party, which has held on to these seven segments in the outgoing assembly, has been winning from these seats since 2009.

Asaduddin Owaisi's younger brother Akbaruddin Owaisi won from his stronghold Chanadrayangutta seat, defeating the Bharat Rashtra Samithi's Muppi Seetharam Reddy by 81,660 votes.

AIMIM had fielded candidates in nine of the 119 assembly segments, while supporting the BRS elsewhere. It lost in Rajendranagar and Jubilee Hills.

Here is the list of winning AIMIM candidates.

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• Akbaruddin Owaisi- Chandrayangutta Assembly seat

• Zafar Hussain Meraj- Yakutpura Assembly Seat

• Majid Hussain- Nampally assembly seat

• Kausar Mohiuddin- Caravan Assembly seat

• Ahmed Bin Abdullah Balala- Malakpet Assembly Seat

• Mohammad Mubeen- Bahadurpura assembly seat

• Mir Zulfekar Ali- Charminar Assembly seat

Congress unseats KCR from power in Telangana

The Congress led by Revanth Reddy in the state defeated the Bharat Rashtra Samithi, that was ruling the state since its creation in 2014. The party led by K Chandrashekar Rao (KCR) had 101 members in the outgoing assembly, 13 more than the seats won in the 2018 election.

In the just concluded election, the BRS (earlier Telangana Rashtra Samithi) has won 39 seats in the 119-member assembly. KCR contested from two seats, Gajwel and Kamareddy. He won Gajwel by over 45,000 votes. However, the BRS chief lost to Katipali Venkata Ramana Reddy of the BJP, who also defeated Telangana Congress chief Revanth Reddy, to win Kamareddy constituency.

The victory in Telangana is Congress's second in south India after it won Karnataka in May this year. It is a consolation win for the saffron party which lost to the Bharatiya Janata Party in the Hindi speaking states of Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan and Chhattisgarh.


Sunday, December 3, 2023

District Taekwondo Championship 2023”

District Taekwondo Championship 2023” winner Trophy                 won by Blossam School, Jamalpur Aligarh,                       recieved by Ms. Taskeen Zaheer & Partipecent 

Runner Trophy recieve karte hue Asrar Ahmad

                                AMU KE PRO UMAR SALEEM PEERZADA KI BETI  AYEZA K0                                   MEDAL PEHNATE HUE DR. MASOOD AHMAD

            Al Barkat ke Students Trphy lekar khushi ka izhar karte hue

AMU Old Boy’s (Alumni) Association, Aligarh Aligarh                     Martial Arts Academy Aligarh

                                29th -30th November 2023                Inter  School Open District Taekwondo Championship 2023”

Old Boy’s Lodge AMU Aligarh mein munaqid ki gayi. Programe ki sadarat Games Committee, AMU ke Secretaey Prof. Amjad Rizvi ne ki, Nizamat AMU Gymnaziam ke Coach Mazhar ul Qamar ne ki.

DTA ke President Irfan Reham Ali, Aligarh Martial Arts ke Asrar Ahmad, Taskeen Zaheer ne mehnat Lagan se Tournament ko kamyab kiya.  

  District Taekwondo Championship 2023”                              1-Winner Trophy goes to Blossom School, Aligarh                                2-Runner -Aligarh Martial Arts Academy, Jamalpur, Aligarh     3rd Trophy to-Al-Barkat, Pub School, Aligarh

Mehmanan mein AMU Old Boy’s (Alumni) Association ke sadar Salamatullah, Kifayat ullah, Prof. Abdul Hafeez Gandhi (Students Union ke Ex President) AMUOBA, Delhi ke Mudassar Hayat,  Razia Khan, AMU PRO Mr. Umar Saleem Peerzada, Prof. BB Singh, Prof. Mazhar Khan, Shabnam Khan, Thakur Manoj Singh Chirman,

AMUOBA ke Vice President Dr. Noorul Ameen, General Secretary Dr. Azam Meer Khan, Secretary Shahbaz Khan Shabboo, Dr. Masood Ahmad, Taufeeq Ahmad, Rashid Mustafa, Kashif Tariq, Mohammad Yaseen, Rais Ahmad, JNMC ke Dr. Imran, Dr. Ehtisham ul Haque, Dr. Shahbaz Fareedi, Participents, Guardian, Teachers, and Guests ki barhi tadad mein Taekondow ke shayeqeen ne hissa liya.


Thursday, November 30, 2023

“Inter School Open District Taekwondo Championship 2023”

 AMU Old Boy’s (Alumni) Association, Aligarh

aur Aligarh Martial Arts Academy Aligarh

                     ne 29th -30th November 2023 ko milkar

“Inter  School Open District Taekwondo Championship 2023”


AMU, PRO Umar saleem peerzada ki beti AYEZA action mein (Blue Helmet) mein

Chief Guest Raees Ahmad Taekwondo Championship ko shuru karte hue

Old Boy’s Lodge AMU Aligarh mein munaqid ki gayi. Programe ki sadarat AMU ke PRO Mr. Umar Saleem Peerzada  ne ki, Nizamat AMU Gymnaziam ke 

Coach Mazhar ul Qamar ne ki.

Mr. Rais Ahmad PCS

Chief Guest Dy. Commissioner (GST) Aligarh

ka Purtpak istaqbaal Programe Incharge Dr. Azam Meer Khan aur Dr. Masood Ahmad ne Phoolon ka guldasta pesh kiya.

Dr, Azam Meer Khan ne Old Boy’s Lodge ke maidan mein Mehmanan, APRO Zeeshan Ahmad, Participents, unke gaurdians, Aligarh aur bahar se aye SportsTeachers, Taekwondo aur Martial Arts Academies ke 25 Coach, Staff aur Guests se bhare zamme ghafeer ko khitab karte hue Programe ke aghrazo Maqasid, AMUOBAssociation, Academy  ka Introduction karaya aur sab hazreen ke liye  Welcome address diya.

Nizamat karte hue Mazhar ul Qamar ne bachchon ko Taekwondo aur Martial Arts ki history batate hue kaha ki

Father of Taekwondo JIMMY JITYANI

Ne 1978 mein yeh khel shuru kiya tha uske baad India ke Prime Minister Rajeev Gandhi unhen India lekar aaye aur IInd Class Lucknow mein munaqid ki.

Fakhr aur khushi ki baat hai ki IIIrd class AMU ke Staff Club mein ki gayi.

1901 mein Aligarh Muslim University ki  Taekwondo aur Martial Arts NCC team ne Republic Day ki Paread mein shamil hokar AMU aur Desh ko izzat, maan samman dilaya.

Mazhar ul Qamar sb ne kaha ki Martial Arts ek bahut hi achchha khel hai. Log hamesha yeh sochte hain ki yeh mardharh ke liye seekha jaata hai. Mera manna yeh hai ki yeh bahut achchhi Exercize hai isse jism mein chusti furti aati hai, kharab FAT dessolve ho jati hai aur weight, Blood Pressur, Heart sab normal rehta hai aur bhaichare ki bhawna paida hoti hai. Sehan shakti paida hoti hai, Mind broad banta hai aur achchhe khyal aate hain, Zindgi kushi khurram guzarti hai.

 Han agar zaroorat parhe to apne self defence mein bhi aap ise use kar sakte hain.

Chief Guest Rais Ahmad ne khitab karte hue kaha ki bachchon mehnat, Lagan aur sadbbhawna se is khel mein maharat, kamyabi  hasil karo. Meri dua hai ki aap log International Games, comptition mein Gold Medal jeetkar BHARAT ka naam roshan karo.    

Dr. Azam Meer Khan ne A.M.A. Academy ki Vice President Ms. Taskeen Zaheer, Secretary general Asrar Ahmad, President D.T.A Irfan Raham Ali, AMUOBA ke CEC Dr. Masood Ahmad, Rashid Mustafa, Mohammad Yaseen, Raees Ahmad ki moujeedgi mein Mehmanan Rais Ahmad aur Umar Saleem Peerzada ko  Momento dekar sammanit kiya.

AMUOBA ke Vice President Dr. Noorul Ameen, Joint Secretary Mr. Shahbaz Khan urf Shabbu, CEC Kashif Tariq, AMU Students Union ke Ex President Dr. Shahzad Alam Barni, Dr. Ehtisham ul Haque waghaira ne bhi shirkat kar palyers ki honsla afzai ki


Tuesday, November 21, 2023

Tipu Sultan was also a scholar, soldier and poet.



 Tipu Sultan (1 December 1751 – 4 May 1799), is also known as the mysoor, was the ruler of the Mysore from 1782 to 1799. He was also a scholarsoldier and poet. Tipu was the eldest son of Sultan Hyder Ali and his wife Fathima Fakhr-un-Nisar. Tipu Sultan was born in Devanahalli in 1751. The birthplace of Tipu Sultan, located very close to the Devanahalli Fort is just a small pillared closed place with a stone tablet which declares the place to be the birthplace of Tipu Sultan. The area around the place is known as Khas Bagh.[1]

Tipu sultan introduced several new laws, including new coinage, a new lunisolar calendar and a new land revenue system. He(Tipu sultan) started the growth of the silk industry in Mysore. At the request of the French, he built a church, the first in Mysore. With French help, Tipu Sultan fought against the British to keep Mysore's independence.His ancestors were Jutt (Chikkara Gotra) from Jaunti Village in Delhi

History of Tipu Sultan[change | change source]

Tipu sultan was born in the Bangalore area of devanto Hyder Ali, a military officer and practical ruler of the kingdom of Mysore in the year 1751. His Father & Mother named their baby Fateh Ali but after called him Tipu after the local saint Tipu Mastan Aulia.Soon, Hyder Ali’s career progressed and in 1761 he became the ruler of Mysore. Hyder Ali had a political alliance with the French, and Tipu studied military tactics and strategies from the French.

He had some of the best tutors to teach him various subjects like shooting, riding and swordsmanship and joined his father in the 1766 invasion of Malabar. Tipu at age 15 with a force of only two to three thousand men captured the family of the Malabar chief. The Malabar ruler surrendered to Hyder Ali because of Tipu’s successful invasion.

Ghazi Khan, a high officer in the military of Hyder Ali and a great warrior himself, tutored Tipu Sultan. This military education made Tipu a great soldier and a general.Tipu sultan died in 4th Anglo Mysore war

Ruler of Mysore[change | change source]

After Hyder Ali died in the year 1782, Tipu became the new ruler of Mysore. He had already fought in two victorious wars – the First Anglo Mysore and the Second Anglo Mysore War, under the leadership of his father. He knew that British forces were a great threat to his kingdom. He therefore focused more on military advances especially Mysorean rockets which were successfully used by his father in the Second Anglo Mysore War against the British.[2]

Mysore Rockets[change | change source]

Mysorean missiles were iron cased rockets fitted with swords in them. These rockets used to travel long, covering various kilometres up in the air before launching down – attacking the enemies with swords. Although there were missiles in the Europe, Mysorean Missiles became famous due to their coverage and destructive capacity. Hyder Ali’s Mysore rockets, undoubtedly, were very advanced missiles than what the British had seen.[3] Tipu Sultan had written a Military Manual Fathul Mujahidin in which he explained the operation of these Mysore Rockets. This was mainly due to the strong iron tubes which were used for holding the rocket propellant. They enabled greater thrust and extended distance up to 2 km.[4]

In the year 1801, several of the Mysore rockets were sent to England in the Royal Arsenal lab for R&D by Col. (Later Sir) William Congreve. Roughly, 4 years later in the year 1805, Royal Arsenal came up with their first Congreve rocket only due to the Technology devised by Haider Ali and his son Tipu Sultan. These Congreve Rockets helped the British troops in the Napoleonic Wars and also in the War of 1812. Not to forget, the Battle of Baltimore in the year 1814 was won mainly due to these rockets.

Palaces of Tipu Sultan across Bangalore

Tipu Sultan (1 December 1751 – 4 May 1799), is also known as the mysoor, was the ruler of the Mysore from 1782 to 1799. He was also a scholarsoldier and poet. Tipu was the eldest son of Sultan Hyder Ali and his wife Fathima Fakhr-un-Nisar. Tipu Sultan was born in Devanahalli in 1751. The birthplace of Tipu Sultan, located very close to the Devanahalli Fort is just a small pillared closed place with a stone tablet which declares the place to be the birthplace of Tipu Sultan. The area around the place is known as Khas Bagh.[1]

Tipu sultan introduced several new laws, including new coinage, a new lunisolar calendar and a new land revenue system. He(Tipu sultan) started the growth of the silk industry in Mysore. At the request of the French, he built a church, the first in Mysore. With French help, Tipu Sultan fought against the British to keep Mysore's independence.His ancestors were Jutt (Chikkara Gotra) from Jaunti Village in Delhi

History of Tipu Sultan[change | change source]

Tipu sultan was born in the Bangalore area of devanto Hyder Ali, a military officer and practical ruler of the kingdom of Mysore in the year 1751. His Father & Mother named their baby Fateh Ali but after called him Tipu after the local saint Tipu Mastan Aulia.Soon, Hyder Ali’s career progressed and in 1761 he became the ruler of Mysore. Hyder Ali had a political alliance with the French, and Tipu studied military tactics and strategies from the French.

He had some of the best tutors to teach him various subjects like shooting, riding and swordsmanship and joined his father in the 1766 invasion of Malabar. Tipu at age 15 with a force of only two to three thousand men captured the family of the Malabar chief. The Malabar ruler surrendered to Hyder Ali because of Tipu’s successful invasion.

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